Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District- Philipsburg, PA

Philipsburg-Osceola school district has trained their teachers and staff to follow the new system guidelines. They’ve also added additional safety measures, like cameras, into the high school. Like previous protocols, it includes alerting everyone in the school if a “violent intruder” enters, but Superintendent Dr. Gregg Paladina said what happens next is much different. He said normally, students and teachers were told to remain in the room and quiet, but this new training encourages them to create “chaos” in an effort to distract the intruder and to get out of the building if at all possible. If there is no way out, students should barricade in the room they’re in.”We’re not talking about attacking the attacker, we’re talking about making a noise, creating a distraction and creating some chaos in the room to get as many people out of the room as possible,” Paladina said. “It throws whoever the attacker is off. If they’re just sitting there quietly, they become sitting ducks.” Read more