Is ALICE Training® sequential in nature?

No, ALICE Training® is not designed to be sequential nor is it meant to be a checklist. ALICE Training is a list of options that can be used to stay safe in the event of a violent intruder. Some may choose to Evacuate and some may choose to Lockdown and barricade. Others may choose to [...]

How many organizations are currently using ALICE Training® as part of their safety protocols?

ALICE Training® has helped more than 18 million individuals, across multiple organizations and industries, prepare to respond with confidence in the face of violence. Our training numbers, to date: +18,908,600 Individuals +5,500 K-12 School districts +5,100 Police/LE departments +3,000 Businesses +1,400 Healthcare Facilities organizations +800 Different Government Agencies +700 Houses of Worship

How will students be trained?

We recommend that all student training be age-appropriate with their teacher leading the training. This includes using the ALICE Training children's book, “I’m not Scared...I’m Prepared” and the associated classroom workbook for teachers.

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