Mapleton School District- Florence, OR

Sergeant Aaron Hoberg, with the Lane County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), spent time Wednesday, Oct. 7, discussing options for safety with Mapleton School District students.“We don’t just want to do a lockdown like we used to do before, and shut the lights off, lock the door and go in the corner or get under our desk,” he said. “Under a desk might work in an earthquake situation, but it’s not going to help at all if there’s an intruder or active threat,” Hoberg said. Instead, Hoberg advised students on ALICE: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Escape. “We want you to learn this all the way up,” Hoberg said. “It’s not just going to help you in school. … It’s something to prepare you for life afterwards, not just school.” “The response is the same. ALICE fits the whole way. … We can adjust it to make it work everywhere,” he said. Read more