Danvers Public Schools – Danvers, MA

Students at Danvers High School and Holten Richmond Middle School will be trained next week a new lockdown plan. “It’s really to give individuals the tools that they need in the case there is a violent intruder or a violent incident in the schools,” said Public School Business Manager Keith Taverna, “in order to make the best decision they can based on all the information they have at a given moment.” “One only has to think to Newtown and that 5-year-old,” said Police Chief Neil Ouellette referring to the December 2012 shooting at the Connecticut elementary school. “Nobody trained him in ALICE and how to evacuate, but he grabbed a few of him friends and skedaddled out of that school.” ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate, and is one of set of procedures from different organizations that the Danvers plan is based on. Read more