School District 88 – DuPage County, Illinois

The tragedies at Columbine and Sandy Hook has prompted District 88 School Board and School Resource Officer Mike Brehmer to announce the need for ALICE Training.  “We don’t want [our students] to be passive victims,” Brehmer said. In his words, Brehmer would rather be “over-trained than under-prepared” for such an event as an active shooter or violent intruder situation. As a result, schools started to implement the training and preparation of ALICE Training.

The article link below details a few of the ALICE precautions the district is implementing:

-Learning proper evacuation and escape tools and procedure

-Installing Camera systems which would allow staff or police monitoring during a crisis,

-Utilizing the intercom system to notify people of the threat’s location during a crisis.

-Training staff on how to “overwhelm a shooter’s ability to act or create distractions”

The scheduled school and district board meetings for this new year are set to address these implementation strategies and start the process of becoming proactive against violent intruder or mass shooting incidents.  Read more