ALICE Proactive Strategies

Preparing You to Empower Them

Prepare your people  – Secure your school

Active shooter response training is a necessity for schools just like fire and tornado drills. Ensure the staff and students in your care are prepared with proactive strategies that empower. Research released in The Journal of School Violence confirms proactive strategies work and lockdown alone should not be in your EOP.

ALICE Training empowers staff and students to participate in their own survival using proactive response strategies in the face of violence. ALICE is a comprehensive, multi-tiered certification-based training program that organizations implement using a blended model to ensure learning retention as well as application of the ALICE strategies. ALICE can fit your needs working within your current infrastructures and technologies.

Start online. Finish on-site.
ALICE Blended learning is that perfect combination of our online e-Learning content and hands-on skills sessions. The Certified ALICE Instructors come into your school, spend less time in the classroom and more time focusing on scenarios and drills with your staff. Learners come to the hands-on drills already prepared with a foundation of ALICE strategies from our e-Learning, which ensures retention and confirms quality standards have been met. The blended approach allows your staff, students and administrators to build situational awareness building on life skills.

ALICE Training is age and ability appropriate. The ALICE K12 student curriculum has been customized to the age, cognitive, behavioral, and developmental ability level of the student. ALICE empowers the student while preparing them to survive violence, in a non-threatening way. Our K12 student curriculum includes lesson plans for each age group of students, appropriate to that level.Contact us for a quote.

ALICE Empower Individuals to Participate in Their Own Survival in the Face of Violence.